“I Sent to You…”

Note: This poem was originally conceived to be sung to the Advent song “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel.” But it can stand alone as a poem. My influences are Travis Allen King’s (TAKING) poem “Thanks to You”, especially in separating the good and bad person sections, the Beatitudes [in Bible book of Matthew], and the “Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi”.

I Sent to You… [copyright Michael V. Schwing, 8 Apr 2014]

I sent to you one who needed you for them to pray,
and you prayed for them day after day.
I sent to you one with mental issues,
and you talked, laughed, and cried, sharing a box of tissues.

I sent to you one who was hungry,
and you fed him and told him about the Bread of Life I be.
I sent to you one who was thirsty,
and you gave a drink to her and taught her about the Water of
Life from Me.

I sent to you one who was sad,
and you made their heart glad.
I sent to you a potential friend,
and you did their loneliness end.

I sent to you a homeless person by the way,
and you took him food and wished him a good day.
I came to you disguised as one in need,
and you helped me according to your means.

[Refrain-Good] Come to me my true and faithful servant, I welcome you into My Father’s house.

I sent to you one who needed you for them to pray,
and you did drive them away.
I sent to you one with mental issues,
and you laughed and mocked them causing them to cry
and need a box of tissues.

I sent to you one who was hungry,
and you told them to go to a bakery.
I sent to you one who was thirsty,
and you acted as if she were crazy.

I sent to you one who was sad,
and you ripped their heart out like a cad.
I sent to you a potential friend,
and you sent her on her way.

I sent to you a homeless person by the way,
and you crossed the street from him to get away.
I came to you disguised as one in need,
and your apathy and hatred caused my heart to bleed.

[Refrain-Bad] “You cried to me, “Lord! Lord!” on
the Judgement Day. I know you not, you goats, now go far from me away.”

Indianapolis, Indiana, Tests Homelessness Neutron Bomb (in the tradition of “The Onion”)

CLOUD ATOMICIndianapolis, Indiana, Tests Homelessness Neutron Bomb, First one Detonated in the United States
Michael V. Schwing, Reporter (in the tradition of “The Onion”)

16 July 2012, 9 pm, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

Indianapolis, Indiana, was the scene this evening of the detonation of the first homelessness neutron bomb ever made and used. It is believed to have sent over 2000 homeless people to their permanent housing out of the streets. It must have been effective as this reporter could only find, at this time, surviving homeless persons who were sleeping in the IUPUI Library or on the computers in the IUPUI Library at the time of detonation.
This collaborative effort of HUD, the Department of Energy, CHIP, the Governor’s Office, NASA, Ed the Talking Horse, the Department of Defense, and Panda Express restaurant cost over 7.5 billion dollars.
Among the comments from the homeless in the IUPUI Library which this reporter was given permission to publish were:

Mark Zonderburgmeister said, “Yippee! More bags of food for me at the feedings!”
Linda Pumperniklebred replied, “It should really make it easier to find campsites at the River, the Jungle, and Military Park. They were really getting crowded.”
Penelope Nase-in-deine-Gesellschaft, a housed IUPUI German exchange student, well-known for speaking her mind on various causes, intruded into our conversation, “I think it would have been better to have used the 7.5 billion dollars to buy housing for the homeless and then connecting them to the services necessary provided by already existing trained service providers to stay housed. We could have housed thousands of families and eliminated homelessness in the top 10 most plagued Indiana cities.” After being congratulated for actually reading the first “Blueprint to End Homelessness in Indianapolis”, she was immediately made the Chair of the CHIP Homelessness Advocacy Council, of which only three members could still be found.
“Chill Will” MacGillicuddy, holding his sign, “Why Lie. It’s for beer!” asked if someone would put some money in his cup so he could go to the liquor store and get some “gin medication to self-celebrate.”
Another CHIP Homelessness Advocacy Council member (English name with-held by request, but his Dinarisian name is Tavran Saurranno, but you didn’t hear it from me) stated he was glad to see in this day of various levels of governments, private donors, and massive non-profits downsizing their donations to every cause including homelessness, that one governmental program to help the homeless is still getting major funding: the “Keep the Homeless in Case Management Till They Die in the Street and We Commemorate Them at the Homeless Memorial Service Program”. He stated further, “It makes me really proud as a native of Indianapolis and Indiana to know that we have more than corn and sports in Indiana: we also have compassion for our fellow human beings and wish them the best, especially the homeless who will be helped by this new final solution. (All the more, since the powers that be keep refusing to let me build a Soylent Green factory in Indianapolis and make the homeless, geese, sewer rats, squirrels and rabbits useful).”
This reporter will keep you readers apprised of future developments of this story.