Post I made 11 Jun 2014 to this video of the Davidson Street Camp Destruction:


7 people only were housed with ESG money. Three months later, money gone, back to the street. “Shelters” are NOT housing by any definition. This action was illegal and violated Federal Law from September 2012. The tents and other things should have been taken into storage, not thrown in a dumpster. The persons involved should have been able to retrieve their things within 90 days. Everyone who helped “dispose” of those things should be arrested and taken to Federal Court, have their assets frozen, sit in jail till they lose their jobs, then be released into the streets homeless. Then they can learn and understand.

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I am a poet, writer, photographer, genealogist, homeless advocate, with interests in languages, history, numismatics, philately, heraldry, books, antiques, fossils, shells, rocks and minerals, Ancient Egypt, Africana, and Native Americana and of course, everything Irish.

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