What Am I? [Ivy Tech Community College Poem]

mostly written 22 Oct 2010, expanded, finalized, and copyright on 14 Oct 2014.

Am I an Ivy-Tech-ian?

A citizen of this place,

until upon my graduation I become a better civilian.

Or am I an Ivy Tech-er?

Belonging to this place.

Or am I just cruising though like a TV channel changer.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nician?

Skilled at solving the problems of everyone around me,

with knowledge and precision.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-netium?

Radioactive and decaying.

Everything all around me poisoning and destroying.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nique?

Do God or others use me

to improve the body politic.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-tonic plate?

Causing quakes while interfering and interrupting everyone’s lives around me.

Something which they hate.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nocrat?

Running my life and everyone’s around  me

like a Washington bureaucrat.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nical Sergeant?

Skilled at thinking I’m always in control.

But need to learn to submit to the Master Sergeant of all. [God]


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nicality?

Just a blip on the screen,

cruising through school till I run into reality.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nicolor?

Brightening all around me,

like the NBC Peacock in color.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nobabble?

Speaking jargon no one understands,

so they think all I do is babble.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nophobe?

Scared of all the new things I may learn.

Then why get an education in turn?


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nophile?

Loving all the new things I am learning

and the new ways to knowledge file.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nical knockout?

School or something there has overcome me,

and I have reluctantly become a dropout.