My Wish About The Government Shutdown, written 9 Oct 2013


by Michael V. Schwing, copyright 2013
My wish is that from the lowliest House Representative
Through the Senate up to Cousin President Barack Obama, that:
Whether you think you are to blame,
Or whether you think it’s all a game,
or whether you are Republican or Democrat,
or whether you are bald or wear a hat,
that all you representatives in Washington
remember this important thing:
You work for us voters, not us for you.
Let’s really shut down the government:
Stop collecting all our taxes,
Stop cutting paychecks for politicians,
Stop all the benefits of their labor:
The cars, banquets, perks and passes,
Security guards and free mail,
The planes and trains and all the Holy Grail.
Make their lives like Gilligan’s Island, not a single luxury.
Oh you say that’s not legal!
This Senator must license his beagle.
Like I said: you work for us voters and we taxpayers do not work for you.
We can cut off the allowances and perks for they are only yours when you do your job.
And let me warn you about this continuing.
In November we have elections.
That is when we make our selections.
Government shut down still then ongoing,
I know some Representatives who home will be going.
We will vote out everyone who supports this absurd thing,
That Government can shut down anything.
The people will their government take back,
And send you politicians home with but a gunny sack.
Furthermore, I would want to see,
That the politicians are treated like others in the real world,
Where when you are fired for not doing your job,
Or as you all are acting, like a big fat snob,
That you become ineligible for rehire,
And all your future benefits are forever lost as in a fire.