Pear Pair

Written and copyright by Michael V. Schwing, 31 May 2015. All rights reserved.

In honor of fellow writer and poet Travis Allen King who likes reading and writing works repeating the same syllable and alliterative verses as do I:


     I pare the pear pair. A pear pair beyond compare. A fine pear pair not in disrepair.
     Because of the parasitic paramecium on one pared pear the parricide parakeet named Perry of my paragon of a paralegal au pair who parodies the parents in paraffin needed a paramedic to take it to the veterinarian office with the parallel parapets in a parallelogram.
     There was no way to prepare for the despair of a dead parakeet gone to paradise from a parasitic paramecium on my pared pear pair.

     Instead of an obituary, a paragraph of paraphrased paradoxical paradigms was published in memory of the paralegal au pair’s parricide parakeet named Perry.