Baby Mikey Adventure–Walking with my Daddy–written 10 Nov 2015

Baby Mikey (singing): Walking with my Daddy, this is so neat! Walking with my Daddy, on my two feet. My right and my left.

Daddy: Walking with Baby Mikey, this is so neat!  Walking with Baby Mikey, he is so sweet. With his two left feet!

Mikey: DADDY!!!!!!!

Mikey: Walking with my Daddy, singing a song. Daddy’s singing with me as we walk along!


Mikey: Look Daddy! A dead bird! (in the parking lot northeast of Marsh at Capitol and Michigan which made me think of this story).

Mikey: What is it?    Daddy: A wood duck.

Mikey: What’s a wood duck? Is it made of wood?     Daddy: No.

Mikey: Is it a duck decoy?    Daddy: No.

Mikey: Then what IS IT???   Daddy: A Wood Duck the Aix sponsa.

Mikey: An icky sponsor? Daddy: No! Don’t be silly, Mikey!

Mikey: OK Daddy!

Daddy: It’s the prettiest kind of duck native to Indiana. It prefers ponds in wooded areas, and nests in woods inside a tree, hence the name “Wood” Duck.

Mikey: Prettier than a mallard?

Daddy: I think so. It has more colors.

Mikey: I like the green heads on mallards!    Daddy: So do I, Mikey.

Mikey: I like how some ducks eat out of our hands in Military Park like the squirrels and geese. Daddy, why do some people call the Canadian geeses ducks?

Daddy: Because they don’t know the difference.

Mikey: I know the difference! Geeses got longer necks and are bigger! And when they are even bigger with long snaky necks they turn into swans!

Daddy: Yes, Mikey Pooh, swans are bigger than geese, whiter and have longer necks.

[Unless the swans are in the southern hemisphere where they are black.]

Mikey: Can we go to the Canal and feed ducks, geese, and fish?

Daddy: Sure! It’s only a few blocks away.

Mikey (singing again): Walking with my Daddy, to the Canal. I don’t know a word that rhymes with Canal.

Daddy: (singing too): Walking with Baby Mikey to the canal to feed the koi ! That will be so fun. Oh boy!

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I am a poet, writer, photographer, genealogist, homeless advocate, with interests in languages, history, numismatics, philately, heraldry, books, antiques, fossils, shells, rocks and minerals, Ancient Egypt, Africana, and Native Americana and of course, everything Irish.

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