Go Tell Aunt Rhody…..

I thought of “second” verses not in the original song. Copyright Michael Vincent Schwing, 4 March 2019. All rights (to the verses I made up) reserved.

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead. (these three lines are the original)

New second verse can be:

It died with a pumpkin, it died with a pumpkin, it died with a pumpkin, stuck on its head.

____________________________________________________________________________________________Another New Version:

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old fox squirrel is dead.

It died with a peanut butter jar, it died with a peanut butter jar, it died with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head.


Another version:

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that her lobster is dead.

It died in boiling water, it died in boiling water, it died in boiling water, because it’s so tasty dead.
