Melkior XXV, the Melkizedek Priest–Chapter 1-The Water Witch Anuket XX-copyright 2014

Written 1 Nov 2014 and copyright 2014 by Michael-Tyrrannis I Saurranno-Schwing.      All rights reserved:

Dje-Luk-Pa Rin-po-che Da-le-Lama Padam-Shah-an-Shah Tenzhin XX, the elected Galactic Council President (= the Galactic Emperor formerly entitled Padam Shah-an-Shah), has sent a team to Betelgeuse III to stem the growth of the Sisterhood of elemental witches.  The team is led by the Melkizedek High Priest Melkior XXV, who has had the greatest success at destroying the elemental witches.

He corners one witch:

Melkior XXV: What is your name witch? (in hard demanding voice).

Anuket XX: I will not make it that easy for you! (in sleazy, whispering female voice).

Melkior: What is your name witch? By the name of Yahveh El Elyon!

Anuket: Iii’mmm soorrrry Melkizedek priest. Iii dooo not worrship that so-called God. Sooo invoooking hissss name does meee nooo harmmm! [=I’m sorry Melkizedek priest. I do not worship that so-called God. So invoking his name does me no harm!]

Melkior: What is your name witch? (getting angry and frustrated).

Anuket: Diiid you know yourrr greaaatt grandfattthhherrrr Melkior XXII? [=Did you know your great-grandfather Melkior XXII?]

Melkior: Just barely as a child. Why, witch?

Anuket: Beeecausse  I killed himmm and thennn ate him, orrr at least parrrttsss of him. [=Because I killed him and then ate him, or at least parts of him.]

Melkior: Why do you talk like that?

Anuket: Issnnn’t thisss the way a witch isss suppossssed to tallllk? [= Isn’t this the way a witch is supposed to talk?]

Melkior: I beg you, Madam, to please speak normally.

Anuket: As you wish, Melkior. ‘Madam’ so polite. Why?

Melkior: Even though it is my job to exterminate the elemental witches who pervert God’s creation for their own purposes, I can appreciate the beauty and intelligence of some of the witches. What is your name witch?

Anuket: So when you kill me you can just check my name off the list? Your great-grandfather was so handsome and tasted better than you would because his blood was purer.  I greatly admired his intelligence, his manhood, and his handsome body. So I ate his brain and male member and other select body parts. i see his face and his beautiful eyes and his stern manly look in your face, but he had a better more tasty body.

Melkior: What is your name witch?

Anuket: Anuket. Melkior, I am your great-grandmother.

Melkior: I know my ancestry, Madam and I know that is a lie.

Anuket: I saw it in a movie [Star Wars] once, “Luke, I am your father.” It kept the bad guy Darth Vadar from being killed by good guy Luke Skywalker. I thought it might work for me!

Melkior: Madam Anuket, my ability to kill witches is not dependent on my pretty eyes or my looks. What number are you?

Anuket: The 20th. I am the daughter of Khnum XIX and Satet XIX.

Melkior: A water witch from the Aswan Egypt Family of Witches.

Anuket: Yes.

Melkior: You almost make me regret having to kill you, Madam. You must be succesful at what you do to have survived over 200 years!

Anuket: And you, Sir, must be succesful at what you do if you haven’t been killed yet by a witch sister stronger than me. but you will be the last of your name.

Melkior: Why do you say that?

Anuket: You are the 25th of your name and the ordinal numbers stop there by your priestly law.

Melkior: But I am NOT the last of my line. I have two sons: Balthazar XXI and Casper XX to carry on the line. Before I kill you, do you have any last words?

Anuket: Not really. But you may be too late, Sir. A Soul Witch is being raised up who will give us great power and leadership to the sisterhood.

Melkior: (Surprised and taken aback): An Atman Witch? I thought my grandfather Melkior XXIII killed the last one Kalideva XXIII !

Anuket: There is always a Soul Witch. They are our queens and leaders.  You may not know her name or where she is, but there MUST be a Soul Witch so the powers of the universe can be channeled to us.

Melkior: On the planet Travankor.

Anuket: Or Koromandel, or Koromalka, or Korosene, or Korazmiya!

Melkior: NO! There must be a “hive” to raise an Atman Witch and the original one is on Travankor where the Sisterhood started over 5000 years ago.

Anuket: You do know your history, Sir!

Melkior: As do you my lady. But I may not be too late as there is another “Sisterhood” that is quite pissed off at your Sisterhood for usurping their influence, power, and worshipers.

Anuket: There is no other Sisterhood!

Melkior: Yes, there is. One much older and originally much more powerful!

Anuket: Who might that be?

Melkior: The Natarata of the Annunaki.

Anuket: We destroyed the last of those!

Melkior: So we all thought till I saved a teenage girl on a planet that the Aeons tried to destroy.The girl’s name was In-an-na VII. She took me to where the last of the Annunaki were hiding. I gave them the knowledge on how to destroy the witches, the Itzakh’atz, and the Malakh and Daemon and how to drive the Aeons away. The Natarata have destroyed the Sisterhood on 23 worlds now and are spreading out from the planet Edin.

Anuket: Well, Sir, I AM now ready to die. This news you bring is very horrible to the Sisterhood. It is better to be destroyed by a being with some respect for you than by one who exceeds our own arrogance and hatred of all who are not us.

Melkior raises his staff, recites ancient spells in ancient languages, while the huge crystal stone flares bright red and a beam of fire like a laser consumes the witch Anuket XX as she screams in agony and disappears in a stream of smoke, destroying her forever. Melkior makes a notation in the “Genealogies of Known Witches” that he killed Anuket XX on March 3, 3027, she who had killed his great-grandfather Melkior XXII.

[end of this installment]