Go Tell Aunt Rhody…..

I thought of “second” verses not in the original song. Copyright Michael Vincent Schwing, 4 March 2019. All rights (to the verses I made up) reserved.

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead. (these three lines are the original)

New second verse can be:

It died with a pumpkin, it died with a pumpkin, it died with a pumpkin, stuck on its head.

____________________________________________________________________________________________Another New Version:

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old fox squirrel is dead.

It died with a peanut butter jar, it died with a peanut butter jar, it died with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head.


Another version:

Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody,
Go tell Aunt Rhody that her lobster is dead.

It died in boiling water, it died in boiling water, it died in boiling water, because it’s so tasty dead.


Song: “The Hills are Alive With The Camps Of The Homeless”

To the tune “The Hills Are Alive”, from “The Sound of Music”


The Hills are alive with the camps of the homeless.

But there seems to be no camp for me.

Why Can’t I find a camp for me?

I will make my own camp, and it will be just I, myself, and me!


Verse 1:

It will be the smallest homeless camp

and be the best run.

There’ll be no Maurice Young

so we will all have fun!


Verse 2: 

We will connect people to the services

to get them out of the street.

And connect them to resources to survive

and get them back on their feet.


Song: “Heartless Bastards”

To “Anatevka” from “Fiddler on the Roof”.

Alternate non-copyrighted song: “Faith of Our Fathers”

[“St. Catherine” by Henry Frederick Hemy]

Refrain: Heartless bastards in your ivory towers living your lives of ignorance while my friend dies. I hope those ivory towers fall on your head and make you like my friend dead, dead, dead.

verse 1: No one should have to watch their friend die, die in their arms while I could do nothing but cry. The Establishment will lie that they did try, but we would not go to the mission & they don’t understand why.

Song: “I’m Homeless”

To the song “Maria” from “West Side Story”

Non-copyright tune Hyfrydol (“Alleleluia Sing to Jesus”)

Refrain: I’m homeless! I just can’t believe that I’m homeless! Whatever will I do? Wherever will I go, from here? I’m homeless! I just can’t stop saying “I’m homeless”

Verse: Homeless. Say it loud and it will make me go crazy, Say it soft and it’s almost not scary. Homeless. I just can’t believe that I’m homeless.

I’m Homeless! I’m Homeless!

I’m homeless. I’m homeless.

Song: “I Hear Wheeler”

To the song “I’m So Pretty” from “West Side Story”

Alternate non-copyright tune “Sing of Mary” (Pleading Savior).


Refrain: I hear Wheeler! I hear Wheeler! I hear Wheeler up in my camp! I hear Wheeler ! And I do not understand that!

verse 1: All this snoring and farting, it’s true. All this coughing and hacking too! And oh my God what is that smell? It is hell!

verse 2: I can’t believe they brought Wheeler back into my camp. The laughter from me over their stupidity is causing me to cramp in the evening dew and damp!

Song: Onward Christian Outreach People (to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers)

Written 30 March 2014, copyright 2014, Michael Vincent Schwing.


Onward Christian Outreach People

Onward Christian outreach people, marching as to War!

Reaching out to the Homeless, till there are no more!

We will give them food, and toiletries galore!

And the love of God we will outpour, and invite them inside our church door!


Outreach is not a chore, and do not be a bore!

Come help us to help the poor, help them to soar!

Putting Christian values in their core, that is what we live for!

Don’t let them sleep and snore, for God’s glory is why we roar!