MELKIOR XXV the MELKIZEDEK HIGH PRIEST (a sword and sorcery meets science fiction serial novella)

copyright 2014 (Chapters 1, 2), and 2015 (Chapters 3, 4) by Michael Vincent Schwing (Tyrrannis I Saurranno)

PREFACE:  A book I am writing  in installments (chapters) of science fiction combined with some sword and sorcery. It comes from thoughts popping randomly into my head usually while walking somewhere, which I have written down before forgetting. It started with my idea of a batrakhos witch (I pronounce bah-trake-ose), a water witch who when being killed or cornered breaks up into things like frogs, salamanders, toads, and the like. If any of the creatures survives, the witch survives (see chapter 2).

Note: The Malakh are the Angels, the Daemon are Satan’s force, the Lycanthropes are Werewolves, the Vampires are that, and the Itzakh’atz (the Dinarisian name for them) are the Obsidian-eyed Aliens.

The Elemental Witches have four kinds (with four kinds of higher, more powerful forms). They are killed by the opposite element, generally speaking:

Fire Witch (Pyrakos Witch is the more powerful kind) killed by drowning.

Water Witch (Batrakhos Witch is the more powerful kind) killed by burning.

Air Witch (Aether Witch is the more powerful kind) killed by burial, burning, or drowning.

Earth Witch (Arda Witch is the more powerful kind) killed by hanging. But she cannot be allowed to touch the ground till dead. An Arda Witch can resuscitate if buried in contact with the earth–therefore the body of such a witch is usually burned after hanging or burned instead of hanging.


In the year 3027 of the Gregorian Era on Earth (Terris) all hell has broken loose in the galaxy. Literally. The Sisterhood of elemental witches has been spreading its evils across the galaxy for millennia. The war between the Lycanthropes (Werewolves) and Vampires is winding down to an end as almost all have been killed since even practically uneducated people can easily learn how to kill them. The war between the Malakh and Daemon and both of them against the Itzakh’atz (Obsidian-Eyed ‘Aliens’) has been spreading and growing furiously as other peoples take sides, as well as the Aeons and Itzakh’atz fighting each other for supremacy.

The five trade empires have a complete stranglehold on the galactic economy. The Galactic Council which leads the Galactic Empire is at an all time low of support and power while trying to increase both at the expense of the liberties of all including the Free Worlds, the Trade Empires, and all other peoples.  And last but not least, plagues the likes of which have never been seen before are destroying entire planets in these battle zones.


Chapter 1: Melkior corners one witch, Anuket XX of the Aswan Family of Water Witches.

Chapter 2: Melkior meets and kills a Batrakhos Witch.

Chapter 3: (back in time before chapter 1): Melkior saves In-An-Na VII and finds the Annunaki.

Chapter 4: An Aeon tries to murder Melkior.

more to come

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