Ethnography of the Portypot species, rewritten and copyright 20 Feb 2018 by Michael V. Schwing (Tyrrannis I Saurranno)

The Ethnography of the Portypot species, rewritten and copyright 20 Feb 2018 by Michael V. Schwing (Tyrrannis I Saurranno)
[DrP-Pot, MBathr.–Doctor in Portypotology, Masters in Bathroomology]
Purpose of this paper: To describe Portypot species, classification, customs and culture, lifestyle, food,  languages, education and religion, with the latest scientific discoveries at the Bathroom Institute of Technology, Indianapolis,  which Professor Schwing heads.
Portypots are interesting creatures which feed on human feces and urine. The digestion process is incompletely understood. Whether they are parasitic or symbiotic of humans is still disputed by scientists, but Professor Schwing believes they are symbiotes, even though without being fed regularly with human waste they starve to death within three weeks. (see further under FOOD, below)
There are several Portypot species. The most predominant species are blue (reflecting the connection to water), and green (believed to reflect the “natural” way they operate).  All pink ones have been proven so far  to be females, which are also human breast cancer awareness advocates.
Red, purple white, and yellow ones are too rare to have been included in this ethnography to the degree they should be.   Theoretically, Portypots can be any color. However, the blue chromatic gene X12A is dominant over the green, yellow, and white genes (respectively: X13, X14A, and X14C).  Their red color is caused by one inheriting two X15A genes, a very rare occurance: less than one in one thousand. Some published reports believe red Portypots are all male and sexually sterile.
 [P.T. Barnum: “Color genes in living portypots.” Harvard, Connecticut: 1952]
Portypots have the typical male (Y) and female (X) genes.  The X genes also codify for color (see further under COLOR, above).  Reproduction, however, can be either sexual or asexual.  Normally it is sexual and the eggs are fertilized in the summer months, primarily at the annual Sun Worship Festival in July. (see further under CUSTOMS and RELIGION, below)
The Blue species (Portypot azure) has a primary subspecies with white top (Portypot azure candida-cristata).
The Green species (Portypot verde) also can be white-topped. presumably as an atavist trait from the time period when the ancestral Portypots were all blue (Protoportypot azure, extinct).
All known species are in the  Family Portypotidae, Order Portypota, Class Watercloseta, Phylum Aquarelieveria, in the Kingdom Usefulthingae.
[This most recent classification stems from the 2013 symposium on Portypots at the Bathroom Institute of Technology in Indianapolis. This was a collaborative effort by several experts towards both the Linnaean Classification and a Cladistics Classification. Professor Schwing was monitor of this symposium.]
Class Outhousida includes clades Outhousida, Toileta, Watercloseta, Bathroomia, Portypota, Urinalia, and Bideta, but not rivers, creeks, pissing holes, holes dug in ground (Latrina, the mother clade of Outhousida), trees, or sides of government buildings.
Y-DNA: Tests have proven the close connection of clades Watercloseta, Bathroomia, Portypota, and Outhousida with Outhousida being the ancestral clade divided into clades Portypota and Watercloseta with Bathroomia descended from Watercloseta. *
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA: Tests have proven Bathroomia descends from Outhousida and therefore is related to Portypota, but not descended from it. *
AUTOSOMAL DNA: Tests show all the above clades to be related, both cladistically and by Linnaean classification.
[* Schwing, “Comparison of Cladistics, Y-DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, and Autosomal DNA of Class Outhousida”, Indianapolis: 2012]
Portypots are found worldwide, but are especially numerous in cities where there are multiple festivals where humans will feed them.
 Portypots are oviparous (egg-laying). The eggs grow into the instar 1 diaper wipe, then instar 2 diaper, then instar 3 bassinet (=teen years), then metamorphose into adult Portypots on special farms, placed in secret locations by certain humans solely for this purpose.  These farms, which are all corporate owned in the USA, are usually hidden in the back forty of mountain oyster farms.
[Schwing, “The Life Cycle of Portypot species”, Indianapolis: 2014]
It is unsure whether Portypots are monogamous or polygamous. There are some belonging to each condition.  Polyandry has been observed in the pink-colored ones.  But apparently they do mate for life.
     They are gregarious and fun loving; loving to congregate where humans are having festivals or public entertainment.
     Family units vary widely, but it is not uncommon to see elders grouped together in one location interested only in feeding, and the younger adults in a different location (still in sight of the elders such as across a park or campsite) interested in both feeding and mating. Children instars DO NOT live with their parents.
     The average Portypot can recite his or her ancestry for three generations, which they often know personally as they are long-lived. Unless they belong to the Imperial (Asian), Royal (European), or Presidential (North American) Lines, their genealogy beyond three generations is not normally preserved.  Unlike Humans who propagate many royal genealogy forgeries useful for reading while on the toilet (although the forgeries should be flushed down the toilet), Portypots have never been known to lie about their ancestry.
     Singing is a common pastime, but dancing is normally not done. Exercise, jazzercize, and such things are greatly frowned upon as demeaning. They love celebrating national and religious holidays as these increase the food supply.
Portypots solely consume human feces and urine.  Attempts to feed them dog or horse manure will keep them alive for awhile. However, they grow ever more sick as those manures lack three essential amino acids and enough protein and fat.  Feeding them compost has always led to painful deaths.
It has been very difficult to record anything about their languages used, as they very rarely speak in front of humans.
      However, it has definitely been proven they understand English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Swahili, Arabic, Nahuatl, Lakota, and several Mayan dialects. What has not been proven is whether ALL Portypots understand ALL these languages, whether they choose which languages to understand, or whether there is some kind of  indoctrination in languages during their education. (see further under EDUCATION, below)
The Portypot is usually taught while living on the farm on which instar 3 bassinets metamorphose into adults. This is all that is proven towards their education.  It is presumed that Portypots continue to learn throughout life, even without higher education.
Portypots are almost all members of the Sun Worshipping Religion.  They do not tend to like rain, but are not scared of thunder, lightning, or snow, but are scared of hail as it could damage them.  The primary religious feast is the annual Sun Worship In-gathering in July, when nearly a hundred can be found in Military Park at one time. They have lesser festivals in May and September.  The Blue species is known to sing songs calling the Sun “Kerplop,”  The Green species calls the Sun “Kerplunk.”  The Red ones call the Sun “Ray”, (or perhaps Re, the Egyptian Sun God). Pink ones tend to worship Gaea (Mother Earth) and Ishtar (The Holy One, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven). Those which are Roman Catholics worship Mary, to whom they give the titles of Ishtar, as well as worshipping Jesus.
This paper contains the majority of known facts pertaining to classification, DNA analysis, customs, foods, education, and religion of  the genus Portypot. Any new findings shall be published in new papers through the Bathroom Institute of Technology, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

Baby Mikey Adventure-The Simba

Thought of this 4 July 2015 when I found the plastic Simba from the movie “The Lion King”, copyright 2015, Michael-Tyrrannis I Saurranno-SchwingIMG_20160719_011936:

Baby Mikey Adventure-The Simba

Mikey: I have a Simba. Do you have a Simba?
Adult: No.
Mikey: Oh! You don’t HAVE a Simba! I have a Simba because I’m special! [pronounced speeessshhullll]
Adult: Yes, Mikey, you’re VERY special! [Laughing hysterically]
Mikey: I know. Wait! Why are you laughing?

Random thoughts while walking home from the bus stop-17 March 2016

Random thoughts in the 6 blocks from the bus stop to my apartment after riding bus home from the CoC (Continuum of Care) and breakout sessions today on Community Day:

I felt sorry for the couple who were the victims of a Random Act of Dog Identification by the man walking ahead of me down the sidewalk. The man swore (almost literally) that their dog had to be a specific breed (I couldn’t tell what he said) because of some head thing the dog had going on. The couple didn’t know how to react and acted pretty much by trying to ignore him, walk on, and give strange looks as if the man were, well, homeless. I found it all entertaining. Then passing the juniper bushes I took a berry to chew on, suck out the flavor and spit out the berry seed and remains thinking, “People actually pay $5 a bottle for these sour-after-a-moment berries to use in meats like sauerbraten when they can pick them for free off these bushes.”(which I have done). Continuing on, I almost ran into a short woman whom I didn’t see coming up behind me for I was too busy looking at the granite square brick things in front of the building that used to be a church. She was very polite though, “Excuse me, Sir”. Then still in my own world I realized soon enough to not be hit by a car that if the cars on the left have gone through the green light then just maybe the cars on the right will also be choosing to go through the green light at the same time! However, before noticing when I was trying to cross the street there was a car coming up on my right (I stopped halfway across the street–remaining safe) why was the man standing on the corner and not crossing when his path had the red light on his side. Continuing on. Oh, shiny. But nothing important just trash not the interesting rock I thought it was. Then realized I was passing the building next to the one I live in and thinking that if I were able to buy that building and turn it into a 24 hour My Place that would have all the services of a Horizon House and more things including TV, library and computer rooms, that they would have wasted a lot of money laying down that carpet before I buy it as I would have to rip up the carpet because the My Place clientele would have the carpet trashed, wet and a moldy health hazard in two weeks. Oh, I’m at my building now and no one standing out front trying to get in when they don’t live there. Now common sense (and I realize there’s nothing “common” anymore about common sense) would dictate if the person you are there to see is NOT answering the intercom then you have no business wandering around a locked security building on cameras without invite from your friend. I actually went out the back door the other day because some man was at the front door and knocking at me to let him in. He ran around to the back and yelled after me about how I went out the back door to avoid letting him in. I said, “Right. I’m not letting someone in I don’t know!” He said, “I respect that.” My brain is asking, but fortunately my Irish mouth didn’t repeat it, “Then why did you run around the back to confront me.” I don’t deal with stupid well.

Dorothy and the Lizard of Schnoz-Chapter 7-The Schnozzes (= Smurfs, Schlumpfe)-written 24 July 2015

Dorothy: Look! Maybe those short blue people can tell us how to get to Schnoz!

Lion: I doubt they can tell us anything we don’t already know.

Tinman: Besides, Dorothy, you’ll have trouble understanding them.

Dorothy: Why is that?

Tinman: You’ll see why!

Dorothy: Which one of you little blue people is the leader?

Schnoz 1: “Little blue people”? That’s not schnozzy!

Dorothy: Schnozzy?

Schnoz 2: Yes. Everything is either “schnozzy” or “not schnozzy”.

Schnoz 1: Papa Schnoz is our schnozzy leader.

Dorothy: May I speak with Papa Schnoz?

Schnoz 1: The schnozzy Papa Schnoz our schnozzy leader?

Dorothy: Yes.

Schnoz 3: He is too schnozzy to schnoz with your not schnozzy self.

Papa Schnoz: Now, now! Rudeness to strangers is not schnozzy! I will speak with the not schnozzy ones.

Tinman: Thank you, your schnozzy Sir!

Papa Schnoz: You’re schnozzy welcome!

Dorothy: Do you know the way to Schnoz?

Schnoz 3: I don’t think it’s schnozzy to tell the not schnozzy the schnozzy way to Schnoz. It’s just not schnozzilicious!

Tinman: Papa Schnoz may I ask you another schnozzy question?

Papa Schnoz: A schnozzy “Yes”!

Tinman: What is the schnozzy origin of the schnozzy blue Schnozzes?

Papa Schnoz: We arrived here from schnozzy Germany and England in schnozzy Europe in the schnozzy year 1682.

Tinman: That’s schnozzy, Sir. Thank your schnozzy self!

Papa Schnoz: You’re schnozzy welcome! The schnozzy way to Schnoz is to follow the schnozzy Yellow Brick Road to that schnozzy emerald green light in the distance. That is schnozzy Schnoz!

The group continues down the Yellow Brick Road.

I Fed A Squirrel From The Wrong Side Of The Park Sidewalk–I feel so ashamed.

Written 8 May 2014 and copyright2014 by Michael-Tyrrannis I Saurranno-Schwing. All rights reserved.

I feel so ashamed. She came up to me like she knew me. I held out my hand. She made contact. She took the pizza crust from my hand in her little mouth. She ran off to eat it. It was then, as she continued running, that I found out to my utter horror I HAD FED A SQUIRREL FROM THE WRONG SIDE OF THE PARK SIDEWALK!!! One of THOSE squirrels had infiltrated among my friends, snuck up and ran off with their blessing! You know the kind of squirrels I mean. Those homeless ones in the side of Military Park by Blackford Street. The ones that stare at you when you’re eating, then come up when you leave looking for tidbits of food. The ones that know if they ask for anything we will call the police on them for aggressive panhandling and harassment. That depraved kind deep in their fermented mulberry addiction. The ones that pee on every tree and poo behind those same trees. The ones that run and hide when you walk through the park, staring at you so they can catch you off-guard and jump you for your food. But there is no privacy in the park. There are eyes everywhere: begging squirrel eyes, little beedy black goose eyes, hawk eyes looking down at you, meadow vole eyes looking up at you, faceted mosquito eyes targeting in on you, ant and beetle eyes on your rubbish left behind. It’s still sending shivers down my spine that I had to even look upon one of THOSE homeless squirrels stealing from the cultured tax-paying society centered on the gazebo on the real side of the park by West Street; on the correct side of the sidewalk. It detests me I was forced to interact with one of THOSE KIND of scavenging low-life squirrels. Me a taxpayer who cannot enjoy my park without seeing or hearing, or worse, interacting with one of THEM!

[Those who are familiar with me or my writing will catch the humor derived from metaphor. To the rest of you, THOSE squirrels from the wrong side of the sidewalk represent the stereotypes some people have of homeless people. While sometimes those ideas are correct for the particular person involved, one must understand other homeless people like myself are no threat to you, are citizens, taxpayers, and voters enjoying the park we own too, and need nothing you have even though some of us may be “service provider resistant”, a term I found reading some responses to Channel 8 WISH news stories about homeless people, agencies and the Homeless Bill of Rights.]

Inspiration for this came from actually feeding a squirrel that ran to the other side of the park and my very active imagination. While I sometimes feed the squirrels on the other side of the park, it is usually by throwing the food at the base of their trees and they come down at their own leisure. Contrary to some opinion I do not always make the squirrels take it from my hand and only a few will do that.

Song: Onward Christian Outreach People (to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers)

Written 30 March 2014, copyright 2014, Michael Vincent Schwing.


Onward Christian Outreach People

Onward Christian outreach people, marching as to War!

Reaching out to the Homeless, till there are no more!

We will give them food, and toiletries galore!

And the love of God we will outpour, and invite them inside our church door!


Outreach is not a chore, and do not be a bore!

Come help us to help the poor, help them to soar!

Putting Christian values in their core, that is what we live for!

Don’t let them sleep and snore, for God’s glory is why we roar!


What Am I? [Ivy Tech Community College Poem]

mostly written 22 Oct 2010, expanded, finalized, and copyright on 14 Oct 2014.

Am I an Ivy-Tech-ian?

A citizen of this place,

until upon my graduation I become a better civilian.

Or am I an Ivy Tech-er?

Belonging to this place.

Or am I just cruising though like a TV channel changer.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nician?

Skilled at solving the problems of everyone around me,

with knowledge and precision.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-netium?

Radioactive and decaying.

Everything all around me poisoning and destroying.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nique?

Do God or others use me

to improve the body politic.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-tonic plate?

Causing quakes while interfering and interrupting everyone’s lives around me.

Something which they hate.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nocrat?

Running my life and everyone’s around  me

like a Washington bureaucrat.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nical Sergeant?

Skilled at thinking I’m always in control.

But need to learn to submit to the Master Sergeant of all. [God]


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nicality?

Just a blip on the screen,

cruising through school till I run into reality.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nicolor?

Brightening all around me,

like the NBC Peacock in color.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nobabble?

Speaking jargon no one understands,

so they think all I do is babble.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nophobe?

Scared of all the new things I may learn.

Then why get an education in turn?


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nophile?

Loving all the new things I am learning

and the new ways to knowledge file.


Or am I an Ivy Tech-nical knockout?

School or something there has overcome me,

and I have reluctantly become a dropout.

Indianapolis, Indiana, Tests Homelessness Neutron Bomb (in the tradition of “The Onion”)

CLOUD ATOMICIndianapolis, Indiana, Tests Homelessness Neutron Bomb, First one Detonated in the United States
Michael V. Schwing, Reporter (in the tradition of “The Onion”)

16 July 2012, 9 pm, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

Indianapolis, Indiana, was the scene this evening of the detonation of the first homelessness neutron bomb ever made and used. It is believed to have sent over 2000 homeless people to their permanent housing out of the streets. It must have been effective as this reporter could only find, at this time, surviving homeless persons who were sleeping in the IUPUI Library or on the computers in the IUPUI Library at the time of detonation.
This collaborative effort of HUD, the Department of Energy, CHIP, the Governor’s Office, NASA, Ed the Talking Horse, the Department of Defense, and Panda Express restaurant cost over 7.5 billion dollars.
Among the comments from the homeless in the IUPUI Library which this reporter was given permission to publish were:

Mark Zonderburgmeister said, “Yippee! More bags of food for me at the feedings!”
Linda Pumperniklebred replied, “It should really make it easier to find campsites at the River, the Jungle, and Military Park. They were really getting crowded.”
Penelope Nase-in-deine-Gesellschaft, a housed IUPUI German exchange student, well-known for speaking her mind on various causes, intruded into our conversation, “I think it would have been better to have used the 7.5 billion dollars to buy housing for the homeless and then connecting them to the services necessary provided by already existing trained service providers to stay housed. We could have housed thousands of families and eliminated homelessness in the top 10 most plagued Indiana cities.” After being congratulated for actually reading the first “Blueprint to End Homelessness in Indianapolis”, she was immediately made the Chair of the CHIP Homelessness Advocacy Council, of which only three members could still be found.
“Chill Will” MacGillicuddy, holding his sign, “Why Lie. It’s for beer!” asked if someone would put some money in his cup so he could go to the liquor store and get some “gin medication to self-celebrate.”
Another CHIP Homelessness Advocacy Council member (English name with-held by request, but his Dinarisian name is Tavran Saurranno, but you didn’t hear it from me) stated he was glad to see in this day of various levels of governments, private donors, and massive non-profits downsizing their donations to every cause including homelessness, that one governmental program to help the homeless is still getting major funding: the “Keep the Homeless in Case Management Till They Die in the Street and We Commemorate Them at the Homeless Memorial Service Program”. He stated further, “It makes me really proud as a native of Indianapolis and Indiana to know that we have more than corn and sports in Indiana: we also have compassion for our fellow human beings and wish them the best, especially the homeless who will be helped by this new final solution. (All the more, since the powers that be keep refusing to let me build a Soylent Green factory in Indianapolis and make the homeless, geese, sewer rats, squirrels and rabbits useful).”
This reporter will keep you readers apprised of future developments of this story.

Post on Facebook that Potsie 1 the Squirrel wants me to post for him

487139_10151297317866391_22307460_nPotsie the Squirrel wishes me to post this on behalf of the Squirrels of Military Park, Indianapolis, Indiana: [written by Michael Schwing 1 May 2014]

Dear Outreach Humans with food, Ignore the complaint of Human Mike in previous post. Human lies. Peanut butter sandwiches DO FLY in his camp-right out to the Squirrel Trees. We are grateful. We Squirrels so love peanut butter we will eat it out of hand of Human. Bring more!
Also bring more granola bars with fruit in them. Humans no eat. Throw to us. We eat granola bars right out of Human’s hands. Taste so good. Bring more! Human gave us all the granola bars with cranberries and blueberries in them. Kept peanut butter and chocolate ones for self. What’s up with that? Selfish Human eating Squirrel favorites!
Oh, bring more cases of cereal Humans won’t eat. Had strange word on the box I ate into which Human tried to hide from me before it went to library. It said “Fiber”. Bring cases of this “Fiber” cereal. Looked like twigs ground up. Tasted better. Human left full box around 3 Squirrel Trees. Was good. Bring more!
Humans also share (they seem to like to eat also) peanuts in shell, almonds, and pistachios. Bring more! Thank you.
Signed: Potsie 1, Potsie 2; Shtoakar of the Walnut Tree; Timmy, Tommy, Tammy, and Tabitha of the Tree by the Bench (Cousins of the Potsies); Nequah of the Tree by the Water Fountain; and Sionnach (The Fox in Irish), Medb (Maeve), Eithne (Enya), Brian, and Niall of the Tree by the Corner of the Gazebo (and some outlier trees).

“On the Trail of the Elusive Portypot” or “In Search of the Elusive Portypot”, written and copyrighted 26 July 2008


“On The Trail Of The Elusive Portypot”

Poem by Michael V. Schwing written Saturday 26 July 2008, copyright 2008

While walking beside the Canal down a brick trail,

Over the bridge on my two feet I sail,

Past the NCAA building as big as a whale,

What do I see that will end my travail?

I see the Portypots, a family group of three,

The elusive Portypot finally found by me!

With a fourth standing alone under a tree,

The elusive Portypot, I finally found thee!

And why, do you ask, does seeing a Portypot cause glee?

Why, because in the Mile Square only two bathrooms there be.

Only two that are open 24 hours at White Castle and Steak-n-Shake you see,

Only one can be accessed without the key.

The one at White Castle needs a manager’s okay.

That same manager who looks at you like, “Hey!”

“Why are you here?  What would you like, please say.”

“Please order something now or be on your way.”

The other at Steak-n-Shake, that’s where I go,

Because there they accept without a show,

My need to use the bathroom they understand and know,

I do my business, then order a banana shake I sip slow.

But sometimes I have no money, you know.

But they don’t toss me out into the cold snow,

Or into the street that’s as hot as a demon foe.

The waiter, who kindly greets me, understands. It is so!

So down by the canal, by the Indianapolis Tennis Center ,

My elusive Portypot I think I shall enter,

I love to “office” because I leave there a little lighter,

Then I leave the elusive Portypot feeling “Oh so much better!”


NOTE: this poem is read by me on Youtube with various pictures of the places mentioned. Find by searching word “portypot”.