Random thoughts while walking home from the bus stop-17 March 2016

Random thoughts in the 6 blocks from the bus stop to my apartment after riding bus home from the CoC (Continuum of Care) and breakout sessions today on Community Day:

I felt sorry for the couple who were the victims of a Random Act of Dog Identification by the man walking ahead of me down the sidewalk. The man swore (almost literally) that their dog had to be a specific breed (I couldn’t tell what he said) because of some head thing the dog had going on. The couple didn’t know how to react and acted pretty much by trying to ignore him, walk on, and give strange looks as if the man were, well, homeless. I found it all entertaining. Then passing the juniper bushes I took a berry to chew on, suck out the flavor and spit out the berry seed and remains thinking, “People actually pay $5 a bottle for these sour-after-a-moment berries to use in meats like sauerbraten when they can pick them for free off these bushes.”(which I have done). Continuing on, I almost ran into a short woman whom I didn’t see coming up behind me for I was too busy looking at the granite square brick things in front of the building that used to be a church. She was very polite though, “Excuse me, Sir”. Then still in my own world I realized soon enough to not be hit by a car that if the cars on the left have gone through the green light then just maybe the cars on the right will also be choosing to go through the green light at the same time! However, before noticing when I was trying to cross the street there was a car coming up on my right (I stopped halfway across the street–remaining safe) why was the man standing on the corner and not crossing when his path had the red light on his side. Continuing on. Oh, shiny. But nothing important just trash not the interesting rock I thought it was. Then realized I was passing the building next to the one I live in and thinking that if I were able to buy that building and turn it into a 24 hour My Place that would have all the services of a Horizon House and more things including TV, library and computer rooms, that they would have wasted a lot of money laying down that carpet before I buy it as I would have to rip up the carpet because the My Place clientele would have the carpet trashed, wet and a moldy health hazard in two weeks. Oh, I’m at my building now and no one standing out front trying to get in when they don’t live there. Now common sense (and I realize there’s nothing “common” anymore about common sense) would dictate if the person you are there to see is NOT answering the intercom then you have no business wandering around a locked security building on cameras without invite from your friend. I actually went out the back door the other day because some man was at the front door and knocking at me to let him in. He ran around to the back and yelled after me about how I went out the back door to avoid letting him in. I said, “Right. I’m not letting someone in I don’t know!” He said, “I respect that.” My brain is asking, but fortunately my Irish mouth didn’t repeat it, “Then why did you run around the back to confront me.” I don’t deal with stupid well.